Board Policies 2008

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Board Policies 2008

Policies needed for the effective operation of the Town Government are legally adopted by the Town Board in accordance with powers granted by State Statutes and by Village Powers granted by the electors at an Annual Meeting. These policies can be modified or discontinued through proper actions at a legally noticed Town Board Meeting.

I. Personnel:

a.       Patrolman:  The Clerk-Treasurer pays without a voucher signed by the Town Board every two weeks as presented by his time sheet. Checks are signed at every Town Board meeting.

b.      Part Time: Paid $15.00 per hour as presented by time sheet approved by the Patrolman.

c.       Election workers are paid after their shift – $10.00 per hour.

d.      Fees, Mileage and meals are paid for personnel (includes Town Officials) authorized to attend meetings or training sessions when expenses are presented. Mileage will be paid at County rate.

II. Town Board:  The salaries for the Town Board Members are set by the Electors at an Annual Meeting.

a.       Special Meetings to conduct town business, including road/bridge inspections, conducted within the Township are part of the Board Members’ responsibility.

b.      Attendance to other meetings, such as Fire/Ambulance, District or Dunn County Town’s Assoc. will be paid at a rate of $10.00 per meeting, plus mileage, upon submitting a claim to the Town Clerk-Treasurer.

c.       Board Members providing manual labor for the Town will be paid $10.00 per hour with the claim signed by the Patrolman.

III. Clerk-Treasurer:  Annual Salary for this official is set by the Electors
at the Annual Meeting.

a.       Mileage and meals to be paid by the Town on the same basis as Town Board members.



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