Chairman Monn called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI. Present: Chairman Monn, Supervisors Bob Anderson and Steve Nielsen, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Clerk-Treasurer Val Windsor and townspersons Karl Hackbarth and Candy Anderson, Cory Green (fire chief) Swearing in of newly elected officers: Chairman: Bob Anderson Supervisor: Karl Hackbarth Continuing Supervisor: Steve Nielsen Motion to approve March minutes as mailed was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved. Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand, March 1, 2019 $71,706.82 March Receipts .79 Less March Disbursements $26,329.48 Book Balance as of March 31, 2019 $45,378.13 Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as mailed was made by B. Anderson, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved. Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved. Maintenance Report: Road Inspection is going to be on Monday, April 22nd at 9am. Roll off will be scheduled for Saturday, May 11th. Kevin will make the necessary calls to get things going. Kevin will take the Miners Safety Class online. Dunn Electric was here 2 weeks ago to fix the meter box, for some reason it melted and needed to be fixed, we will receive a bill for this. Kevin caught logger trucks on the road, because of the road ban he told them they had a few minutes to get out of there or he would have to call the sheriff, they left right away. Kevin will need a “new” lawn mower, board gave him permission to look for a used one and see what he can get. Will also check out the price of a new one. Chairman Report: Bremer and People’s Banks here to discuss proposals on loans for new Boyceville Fire Hall. Supervisors Report: Question was asked about the sales tax on the new fire building. Tax is on the materials for the inside structure. Clerk-Treasurer Report: Val called Wipfli about the long term debt of Boyceville being on our final audit for last year. They told me it is the assessment we owe to fire/ambulance every year and it was for informational purposes only. Also, have a prospective website builder in mind as JP Website out of Eau Claire is hard to get ahold of. Kelly Windsor is willing to do this for a $500 initial start up fee and $50/month. He has done several other websites in the past and Val will be able to add/delete things as the principle user. Motion was made to go with Kelly for a website by B. Anderson, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved. A resident asked about regulations on junk cars and metal scrap yard. Val will let her know she needs to contact the county for the scrap yard, because it could be a zoning issue. Committee Reports: Plan Commission: Karl will be the board spokesperson. Candy Anderson is the head of the PC Fire/Ambulance: Road extensions will start this week. All info was in the paper, bids have been officially accepted. April 28th at 4pm will be a ground breaking ceremony. New Business: Received an email from Wisconsin Retirement Systems after submitting our annual report to them. It is and always has been in Kevin and Val’s contracts to have the township pay 100% of our retirement monthly amounts. Back in 2011 Govenor Walker passed a law that prohibited employers to pay 100%, employees were required to pay half. In the past we were always exempt from this because it was previously written in our contracts, however, that no longer is valid. Kevin and Val must start paying our share of the retirement. Town will give Kevin and Val bonuses to cover this cost. This will be listed as “on call hours”. Peoples State Bank: Levi Wagner is here to represent People’s State Bank and give a proposal. 3.50% interest, which is contingent on us going with them for our banking business. We owe $338,616.00. People’s figures are $40,716/year for 10 years. $29,401.00/year for 15 years. $23,826.00/year for 20 years. There is no pentalty for prepayment. Bremer Bank: Proposal is offering a fixed rate 3.20% for 10 years, $40,102.35/year. And 3.40% for 20 years, $23,610.32/year. At Bremer there is no penalty for prepayment either. Each municipality is responsible for their portion of the cost and is required to pay by June 3rd. Our portion is 21%. Cory stated this will be in its own separate account with the Village of Boyceville, if there is anything left after building is completed it will be paid back out to us. Motion was made to go with Bremer as they have a cheaper interest rate and we already bank with them made by B. Anderson, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved. Public Comment: Rich was thanked by everyone for everything he has done as chairman, and at fire department. Motion was made to adjourn meeting was made by B. Anderson, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm