Board meeting minutes of December 17, 2024
Chairman Nielsen called the meeting to order at 6pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.
Present: Chairman Nielsen, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Stephanie May, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Clerk-Treasurer Valerie Windsor
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion to approve November 19, 2024 minutes as written was made by S. May, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand, November 1, 2024 $33,156.61
November Receipts $88,129.61
Less November Disbursements $14,004.27
Book balance as of November 30, 2024 $107,281.95
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as mailed was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May. Approved.
Maintenance Report: The new truck is done, right on schedule. The body shop won’t be ready for it until next fall, so we will be storing it until then. Kevin will call Rural Insurance to see the policy of insurance for where we store it.
Kevin was called to the fire on County O a couple weeks ago to sand the driveway so the fire department could get to it safely. We will charge them $100 for the hour+ it took for Kevin to go there.
Some discussion on recycling/garbage, residents still throwing things in the wrong bins and on side of the roads. Stephanie will call Sheriff Stalker and talk to him about the resident not paying for dumping into the roll day dumpsters the day before.
Chairman Report: None
Supervisors Report: None
Clerk-Treasurer Report: Chairman Nielsen will go to Bremer Bank and see about getting a loan for a portion of the truck.
No Building Permits
Committee Reports: Ambulance quarterly meeting went well. Chief Dow has not heard yet about the new ambulance being completed. They’ve been at 100% coverage for several months.
Fire District meetings have been numerous. They’ve received 4 applications for the fire chief position, they will be interviewed this week. They will announce their decision on the 30th of December at their meeting.
No New Business
Public Comment: None
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. May. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 6:52pm