Meeting minutes of September 9, 2024

Board meeting minutes of September 9, 2024

Chairman Nielsen called the meeting to order at 6pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.

Present:  Chairman Nielsen, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Stephanie May, Maintenance Kevin Finder and Clerk-Treasurer Valerie Windsor

Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to approve August 19, 2024 minutes as written was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. Nielsen.  Approved.

Treasurer’s Report:              Balance on hand, August 1, 2024                      $32,687.83

August Receipts                                                   $76,199.40

Less August Disbursements                               $41,046.18

Book balance as of August 31, 2024                $67,841.05

Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as mailed was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May.  Approved.

Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by S. May, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.

Maintenance Report: Kevin and Steve were both out the night of the storm clearing trees, Kevin was very thankful for Steve and Betty coming out to help. We got an offer from Town of Menomonie to help that night also.

Roll off day is set for October 12th, 9am-1pm.

Issues with signs being stolen, road signs and curve signs.

Tim Stauffer called Kevin, on his road the residents that bought the trailer have put a dumpster on the side of the road, this could cause an accident as its so close to Hwy. 12, Kevin will call GFL as its their dumpster and have them move it.

Beavers on 130th again. The guy will be out to trap them this week.

Val will be thinking about how we want the election set up in November and let Kevin know.


Chairman Report: Some discussion on the borrowing of funds for the town truck

Supervisors Report: Comment on how smooth 130th Street is.

Clerk-Treasurer Report: I will have the 2025 Preliminary Budget done for October meeting.

Building Permits:  None

Committee Reports: Fire and Ambulance District meetings are tomorrow evening. No Plan Commission.

No New Business

Public Comment:  None

Motion to adjourn meeting was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. Nielsen.  Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55pm