September, 2023 minutes

Board meeting minutes of September 18, 2023

Chairman Nielsen called the meeting to order at 6pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.

Present:  Chairman Nielsen, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Stephanie May, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Clerk-Treasurer Val Windsor

Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to approve August 21, 2023 minutes as written was made by S. May, 2nd by K. Hackbarth.  Approved.

Treasurer’s Report:               Balance on hand, August 1, 2023       $25,343.67

August Receipts                                     $66,332.82

Less August Disbursements                 $16,940.76

Book balance as of August 31, 2023   $74,735.73

Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May.  Approved.

Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. Nielsen.  Approved.

Maintenance Report:  Septic pumping at the shop, wondering who we should get. There are a few people who do it around here. Kevin will call to get it pumped.  Have had several calls on Maztec, several residents are unhappy with them as they are hitting lines, tearing up yards and not cleaning it up.  There are 3 crews working in our township from them.  Kevin is on the phone daily with them.  Spectrum fixed 280th Ave., they did a good job.  Hauled rock on 150th last Friday, hopefully be able to finish it up end of this week.  Beavers are back on 130th, USDA is trapping them.  County called to see if we want PASER done, they will doing this for us as it is mandatory every other year.  Checked on the boom mower, approximately $7,400 for 2 weeks.  One week is $4,500. One month is $10,500.  Hopefully we could find someone to share it with next year.  We will table this until Spring and decide what we want to do.   A lady called here and asked Kevin if he could plow 3rd Street in Knapp, as the land is in Stanton but the road belongs to the village.  Kevin told her to call the village.  Kevin and Karl have been talking with the Salesman at Mid-State Trucking about a new dump truck.  Price on a new one (with trade in) is $103,210.60 but will still be plowing with our old one for at least 2 more years because of getting new ones in.  Both Meyer Trucking and Mid-State trucking told Kevin we can sign something to get on the list and it is not binding in any way.

Chairman Report: Some town mail had gone to Bob Anderson address in Boyceville, Steve got it and we will take care of it.

Supervisors Report:  None

Clerk-Treasurer Report: Received a fire call bill for a tree falling over a power line in our township, fire department went out and cleared it. Paid the $500 bill.

Building Permits:  Josh Edhlund, new home, ready for final inspection.  Tom Traxler, slow progress, Michael Nelson, passed final for new deck, Colby Dotseth, new home started, William Manwarren, addition not started.

Committee Reports: Fire and Ambulance had meetings this month, both had 2024 preliminary budgets to look at.  This will be officially decided on in October.

New Business:  Preliminary 2024 Budget.  Went over line items as a few things have changed.

Motion to adjourn meeting was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May.  Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm