Board meeting minutes of May 15, 2023
Chairman Nielsen called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.
Present: Chairman Nielsen, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Stephanie May, Clerk-Treasurer Val Windsor, Maintenance Kevin Finder and townsperson Eric Schultz
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion to approve April 18, 2023 minutes was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. May. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand, April 1, 2023 $11,495.20
April Receipts $38,596.83
Less April Disbursements $17,930.60
Book balance as of April 30, 2023 $32,161.43
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as sent was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May. Approved.
Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May. Approved.
Maintenance Report: Truck goes back into the shop tomorrow. Antifreeze is leaking.
Kevin got a hold of the guy who will take the tires from roll off, he will be here next week.
Township sign in front of the shop is looking pretty bad.
Kevin figured 150th Street will cost approx. $37,000 for everything that needs to be done. We could look into doing something else or we could carry the funds over to next year and do more. Pulverizer will be here the first part of June, if we choose to do 150th Street. We have $80,000 budgeted for roads this year. We could also apply for LRIP which typically brings in around $14,000. The WI Towns Assoc. is in charge of this now. The board gave Kevin permission to get the rock he needs for 150th Street and get us on the list for pulverizing.
Larry Grieb called, he would like to build a new house. He called zoning and cannot get a hold of who he needs to talk to.
An Investment Company has bought the Reinhold land that surrounds the town shop.
Chairman Report: Finly Engineering (contracted with 24-7) has been trying to get a hold of some residents, they are going in all directions right now, making progress.
Road Inspection was done the end of last month.
Board of Review training and Board of Review went well.
Supervisors Report: None
Clerk-Treasurer Report: None
Building Permits: None
Committee Reports: None
Public Comment: None
New Business:
Change meeting start time: Motion was made to start all future board meetings at 6pm on the 3rd Monday of each month by S. May, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved.
Discussion on ATV/UTV ordinance: We have a sample ordinance to look at. If we adopt this, we would make a few changes, for example, we would add that during daylight hours hand signals are ok, night time you must have a turn signal and brake lights. Would also take out the severability section. Dunn County is in the process of changing their ordinance as well. Eric Schultz would like to see each township have their own ATV/UTV ordinances in place. The board will continue looking into the ordinance and will be discussing at a later time.
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by S. May, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:11pm