Spring Roll off Day

ROLL OFF DAY—MAY 13TH 9am-1pm (please come during the stated times)

TV’s – all sizes                          30.00                    Car Tires                         5.00

All other electronics               25.00                    Car Tires w/ rims       6.00

All Appliances                          25.00                    Truck tires                       15.00

Roll of Carpet                           10.00                    Tractor Tires                   40.00

Couches, Chairs, Bed Springs,                             Pickup load pricing will be based

Mattresses, Futons, etc.        20.00                   on load, we reserve the right to




Please note that prices have increased.  We needed to do this because of the cost for us to get rid of the items.


All appliances can be taken to the old Sears in Menomonie for free, if you wish to take them there.  They do have cameras set up to watch.


Please have all regular kitchen garbage in the Stanton bags and dispose of in the weekly dumpsters.