December 2022 meeting minutes

Board meeting minutes of December 19, 2022

Chairman Nielsen called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.

Present:  Chairman Nielsen, Supervisor Stephanie May, Clerk-Treasurer Valerie Windsor

Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to approve November 21, 2022 minutes as written was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May. Approved.

Treasurer’s Report:             Balance as of November 1, 2022                $21,428.96

November Receipts                                      $51,811.28

November Disbursements                          $18,649.66

Book balance as of Nov. 30, 2022              $54,590.58

Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report was made by S. May, 2nd by S. Nielsen.  Approved.

Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by S. May, 2nd by S. Nielsen.  Approved.

Maintenance Report:  Kevin was not here as snow storms are coming and he’ll be putting in a lot of hours.  Steve said he has been plowing a lot already.  A few residents asked about why it seemed to take a little longer this last time, with the wet, heavy snow we got Kevin was out hours longer than normal.

Chairman Report: None

Supervisors Report:  None

Clerk-Treasurer Report:  None

Committee Reports:  Quarterly fire meeting was this past Wednesday.  The current fire chief, Cory Green, did submit his resignation which will be effective January 1, 2023.  Ambulance meeting is now quarterly as well and that meeting will be Wednesday, January 4, 2023.

Building Permits:  Received the December report from Joe Atwood.  George Lewis addition-still making progress; Sam Voelker new home-ready for occupancy inspection; Randy Miller new home-waiting for final; Karl Hackbarth new home-final passed occupancy granted; Gordon Hammons deck/porch-waiting for final; Josh Edhlund new home-slab and under slab plumbing complete and passed; Tom Traxler new home-not started, slow progress.

Public Comment:  None

No new business

Motion to adjourn meeting was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May.  Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm