October, 2022 meeting minutes

Board meeting minutes of October 17, 2022

Chairman Nielsen called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.

Present:  Chairman Nielsen, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Stephanie May, Clerk-Treasurer Valerie Windsor, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Pat Anderson with Spectrum

Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to approve September 19, 2022 minutes as written was made by S. May, 2nd K. Hackbarth.  Approved.

Treasurer’s Report:         Balance as of Sept. 1, 2022                $76,753.62

September Receipts                            $24,075.51

Less September Disbursements        $94,101.57

Book balance as of Sept. 30, 2022     $6,727.56

Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as mailed was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May.  Approved.

Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. May.  Approved.

Maintenance Report:  Hauled the tires to Barron from roll off, it was just over $700 and TV’s were just over $100.  Kevin took the appliances to Sears however, before next Spring we will need to figure something else out as Sears is now closed.  Barron will also take all the appliances for a fee.  We should look at pricing of other townships and possibly raise our roll off prices to keep it comparable to other townships, Kevin will check into this.

Beavers have returned on 130th Street. They have plugged both culverts, the water is seeping through onto the road, and could cause significant damage.  Karl will talk to Ethan again about trapping them.

Kevin got tractor tire prices.  There are only a few options, front ones will run approximately $400 for the pair, back ones will run approximately $2500 for the pair, depending on the ones we go with.  Suggestion was we replace the rear ones and let the front ones go for a bit longer. BKT brand tires are $2120, Firestone brand is $2736.  Kevin will ask the salesman what brand he recommends and get them ordered.

Chairman Report:  The county contacted Steve about changing the way they do the drug testing.  They will be putting it on the township and eliminating the county.  There is a meeting scheduled for November about the upcoming changes that Steve and Kevin will go to.

Supervisors Report:  Some discussion on the music playing at night from the wedding venue on 790th.

Clerk-Treasurer Report:  Election is set to go for November 8th.

Received the new contract for both the Dunn Co. Treasurer to collect our 2023 Taxes and Dunn Co. Humane Society for 2023 Shelter Services. Chairman signed both.

Committee Reports: No Plan Commission meeting, no Fire District Meeting.  Ambulance meeting went well.  Two thirds of the time they are fully staffed.  The Town of Stanton’s assessment will go up $3,000.  The Ambulance received a grant for $106,005. Chief Dow has gotten permission from the district board to get a new ambulance using those funds plus taking out a loan for the remainder.  They are near the end of the loan for one of the ambulances now.

Building Permits:  None

Public Comment: Pat Anderson is here with Spectrum/Charter.  Pat has been in contact with 24-7 Telcom, they asked for a set of maps where they will be working.  24-7 didn’t seem to have a problem with any of the areas.  Spectrum has buried some conduit, however there is no wire run.  They have not progressed with anything since last month when we asked them to stop until we could look into what they’re doing and if it’ll affect anything with 24-7.  Pat gave the board a booklet with all their maps of where they’ll be and contact info.  Steve will talk to 24-7 and just make sure they are ok with Spectrum in the area working as well, after that happens Steve will let Spectrum know our decision.

New Business:  2023 Preliminary Budget.  Val handed out the preliminary budget figures, we will finalize and vote on this in November after the Budget Hearing.

Motion to adjourn meeting was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May   Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm