June meeting minutes

Board meeting minutes of June 20, 2022

Chairman Nielsen called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI

Present:  Chairman Nielsen, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Stephanie May, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Clerk-Treasurer Valerie Windsor

Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to approve May 16, 2022 minutes as written was made by S. May, 2nd by K. Hackbarth.  Approved.

Treasurer’s Report:             Balance as of May 1, 2022                   $21,144.23

May Receipts                                         $52,560.34

Less May Disbursements                     $64,769.72

Book balance as of May 31, 2022      $8,934.85

Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as mailed was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. Nielsen.  Approved.

Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May.  Approved.

Maintenance Report: The truck is back however they don’t have the part needed for it.  They put one on off of another truck for us to use until they get it in, but we don’t know when that’ll be.  Kevin talked with DKS and they told him we could use any truck on the lot if need be.

County has finished crack filling 800th, 790th and 730th.

Kevin talked with Waste Management truck driver as he is the one in charge of taking away the dumpsters, he said they are so short-staffed right now he won’t have time to do it for awhile.  Kevin will talk to GFL and see when they’re planning to drop off the new dumpsters.  Kevin may have to tie a chain to the WM ones and move them so residents don’t put garbage in them.


Chairman Report: Steve and Kevin met with Sutliff on Co. Rd. K, county people were there as well to see what to do with the creek washing the dirt/mud into the residents field.  The county will be working on this as it isn’t a town issue.

Supervisor Reports: Beaver situation—Ethan Reinhardt got permission to go there and trap them.  He got 3 more young ones and sees no more evidence as of yet.  He will keep an eye on it.

Clerk-Treasurer Report:  None

Building Permits:  Wittenmeyer on 930th are in the beginning permit process.

Committee Reports:  Fire met this month, 35 on the roster right now.  Their new truck is done but hasn’t been delivered yet. Chuck Siler has been nominated again and accepted the chair position of the fire district.  Ambulance-Merging with Colfax is still in infancy stage.  Ambulance board voted to go from Advanced EMT to an EMT Flex-Advanced as this will give them much more flexibility with staffing.

No New Business

No Public Comment

Motion to adjourn meeting was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth.  Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm