May, 2022 minutes

Board meeting minutes of May 16, 2022

Chairman Nielsen called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.

Present:  Chairman Nielsen, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Stephanie May, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Clerk-Treasurer Valerie Windsor.  Also present:  Craig Bowe with Scott Construction and John Mason with Fahrner, Tim with Waste Management

Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to approve April 18, 2022 minutes was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. May.  Approved.

Treasurer’s Report:                   Balance as of April 1, 2022                      $8,888.27

April Receipts                                            $35,591.96

Less April Disbursements                        $23,336.00

Book balance as of April 30, 2022         $21,144.23

Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as mailed was made by S. May, 2nd by K. Hackbarth.  Approved.

Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth.  Approved.

Maintenance Report: Truck is in getting repaired.  The lights on the dash have come on, similar to what happened about 5 years ago.  Kevin took it in this morning.

Flooding within the township this last month, it will cost quite a bit for gravel to fix things up.

Tire prices and TV prices have gone up considerably to get rid of from roll off.  In the fall we will look at this again and try to keep track of what we get vs. pricing to get rid of it all.


Chairman Report:  None

Supervisors Report:  Karl stopped at the county and spoke with Mr. Cummings about a couple residents on 910th and County Rd. K, washing sand/dirt into the residents’ field.  Even though there isn’t much we can do as a township, Steve, Karl and Kevin will be going there on Wednesday to look it over and meet with the resident, DNR and the county.

Spoke with Ethan Reinhardt (taxidermist) got the green light from the DNR for the beaver trapping.  However, he cannot disturb the beaver dens or go further than 100 yards on each side of the bridge. Ethan will do what he can within these parameters.

Karl also went over what he learned at the county association meeting last month concerning things going on with the county and roads they will be working on.

Clerk-Treasurer Report:  The bill for 24-7 to begin the fiber work ($43,280) is now due, 2nd half will be due when the project is completed.  Val will pay next week, using some funds from the machinery account. Will work on paying that back to machinery account over the next couple months.

Building Permits:  None

Committee Reports: No fire meeting or plan commission.  Ambulance meeting with Colfax, it was decided that Colfax will not be “joining forces” with the ambulance at this time.  They may be going to a plan B, meaning only having 1 director for both services and sharing EMT’s as well, but anything happening will be a long way down the road.  The ambulance chief also asked that people go through the proper channels with complaints (start with the board).

New Business:  Road bids for seal coating 770th, 790th, 800th and crack filling 730th, 790th, 800th


Dunn County Hwy. Dept.—seal coating $67,779.44, and crack filling $8,368.15


Scott Construction—seal coating $84,076 and crack filling $14,431

Fahrner—Seal coating $85,220 and crack filling $36,380

For the same oil that the county uses the bid would be for $72,667 for seal coating


Bids from Scott and Fahrner are good for 30 days.  County will not guarantee prices.


After much discussion motion to go with Dunn County for seal coating and crack filling was made by

  1. Nielsen, 2nd by S. May. Approved.


Recycle/Solid Waste bids:

Waste Management—year 1: $19,282.24, year 2: $19,597.24, year 3:  $19,921.69


Green For Life—year 1: $16,032.72, year 2: $16,995.51, year 3:  $17,845.29, year 4:  $18,605.25, year 5:  $19,674.43


Motion to go with Green for Life was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. May.  Approved.

Hazardous Waste event with the Village of Boyceville, a one time charge of $400 plus has a per item charge which we don’t have budgeted at this time, we will not be a part of it this year, but perhaps will look into it for the next years.

Motion to adjourn meeting was made by S. May, 2nd by K. Hackbarth.  Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm