Board meeting minutes of July 19, 2021
Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.
Present: Chairman Anderson, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Steve Nielsen, Maintenance Kevin Finder and Clerk-Treasurer Val Windsor, townspeople Ella Peterson, Jim Chich, George Cassell
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion to approve June minutes was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance as of June 1, 2021 $13,563.17
June Receipts $61,797.53
Less June Disbursements $20,974.35
Book balance as of June 30, 2021 $54,568.35
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as mailed was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Maintenance Report: Dunn County called and said there would be a bicycle run and they wondered what roads would be under maintenance. He was unsure of the time.
770th Ave should be done as of today
Had more complaints on the “junk yard” on County Rd. O
920th culverts went in, there were absolutely no electrical lines, they spent a lot of time digging
Because of 170 being closed in Boyceville there were quite a few semi’s hauling corn on our roads. Kevin put up some road closed signs and still caught a few drivers.
Chairman Report: Received a call Monday evening, a resident on 944th called and complained about the semi’s. (see maintenance report above on how it was handled).
Supervisors Report: Steve helped haul the culvert for 920th.
July 26th there will be a towns association meeting, they will address the 2nd amendment sanctuary resolution. The board would like to go to this meeting before sending out a letter to address the citizen vote.
Clerk-Treasurer Report: None
Building permits: None
Committee Reports: Ambulance still has 13 EMT’s. 97 calls to date. August 3rd is the National Night Out in Boyceville. Adopted a new set of bylaws.
Fire Dept is doing well. Expenses seem to be settled now as far as the new building.
Plan Commission met last Wednesday evening. Some discussion on Josh Edhlunds plan.
They are still waiting for more info before making their recommendation to the town board.
Steve has received a couple calls regarding vehicles and horse trailers parked on the road, one instance a horse was tied to the trailer and blocking the whole road.
New Business:
Discuss/Act on Assessor contract for 2021-2022: This will be tabled until August meeting.
Public Comment: Question was asked about the Fiber to Home project with 24-7 Telcom. Bob explained the contract we signed with them. This will cost our township nothing as we will use the ARPA funds given to us from the state, only to be used for broadband services.
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by B. Anderson, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm