Board meeting minutes of June 21, 2021
Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.
Present: Chairman Anderson, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Steve Nielsen, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Clerk-Treasurer Val Windsor and townspeople Ron Purvis, Jim Chich, Brian Berg, Cassell family.
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion to approve May minutes was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand, May1, 2021 $14,367.66
May Receipts $17,319.81
Less May Disbursements $18,124.30
Book balance as of May 31, 2021 $13,563.17
Received a bill for a fire call for a ditch/brush fire. It was adjacent to Marv Lansing property. A passerby called it in and fire dept believes it was caused by a vehicle being drug on the road without tires. Wondering who I should bill for this call, it was $750. I will send the bill to Mike Klatt.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved.
Maintenance Report: Waste Management has installed cameras in their trucks now so if there is something in the dumpsters that isn’t allowed, we will get billed. Kevin will try to catch what he can.
Kevin has had two complaints about a “junk yard” on Co. Rd. O, we will call zoning and see if they can do something about it.
Beaver problem on 130th, Kevin has asked a few people about trapping. Township can give permission to trap because they are causing road damage.
Kevin has called Monarch Paving about 790th, still waiting for a call back on the paving.
Chairman Report: Bob was approached by 24-7 Telcom to use our American Rescue Plan monies to partner with them for faster internet service and run fiber optics. We will be having a meeting about this on Thursday, June 24th, 7pm, at the Stanton Town Shop.
Supervisor Reports: Steve mentioned because of Hwy. 128/12 being closed there are numerous trucks that are empty using our roads. Brian Berg said it was open as of tonight.
Clerk-Treasurer Report: None
Building Permits: New house-Nathan Lehmann, Additions-George Lewis, Josh Edhlund and Julia Link
Committee Reports: Fire/Ambulance District: Everything is going alright with fire. It was decided to leave the snow plowing decisions up to the fire chief, Cory Green.
We do still have the ambulance service, contrary to what some are saying. It is running in full swing. We currently have 13 active EMT’s.
Plan Commission: June 15th there was meeting for Plan Commission. They are looking into the ordinances. Some discussion/review of the Comprehensive Plan which was last written in 2016. They are working on this. Josh Edhlund was also at the meeting as he would like to have rodeo’s, weddings, fun things for kids. He was advised, by someone outside the township, to commercialize his property based on the scope of what he wants to do. As a plan commission committee, they encouraged him to do a special exemption instead of commercial as that will affect all future owners of this property as well. Also advised him to contact Bob Colson, Dunn Co. Zoning administrator again. The board would like clarification on exactly what he plans to do.
Next Plan Commission meeting is July 14th at 7pm
Comment was made that part of their reason for choosing Town of Stanton to live was the rural aspect, and they appreciate the work the plan commission is doing to keep it that way.
Discussion/Action on Assessor Contract for 2021-2022—Because the revaluation takes place in 2023 the compensation for this is $7,100/yr for the next 3 years. Will table this for a decision next month.
Discussion/Action on 2nd Amendment Sanctuary resolution—Bob talked with several people, including the Town’s Association lawyer and other township chairman. Bob has had phone calls and a letter asking us to please not pass this resolution. Bob read the letter he received. There are some residents who believe the boards responsibility is to make decisions on roads, fire/ambulance, and such. They do not believe the town board should get involved in firearms laws, ect. that is already established by the State of Wisconsin. There was much heated discussion, Pember was here to read some of the resolution that we are discussing. Also read the upcoming proposed law and how it could drastically change gun owners right to keep and bear arms.
Suggestion was to take a citizen vote as this is what some other townships have done.
All residents present were in favor of the citizen vote.
Motion was made to get a paper ballot vote mailed out by S. Nielsen. Discussion was that we would rather have a meeting and a citizen vote at that meeting instead of mailing out ballots.
Board will not make a decision tonight on the resolution, a ballot style vote, with the answer of yes or no, in support of the 2nd amendment sanctuary resolution will be made available on the specific date of Thursday, August 5th with a letter sent out to all residents with a copy of the resolution attached beforehand. We will keep the ballots in a locked container and not read until the August town board meeting.
Discussion/Action on UTV/ATV rules—we received a letter from Dunn County stating the 6am-11pm times will be the best and easiest to enforce at the county level. Karl proposed we go with what the county has stated. There will be another meeting with the Wisconsin town’s Association in July.
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by B. Anderson, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm