Special meeting on Thursday, June 24, 2021 for the purpose of discussion/possible action on the 24-7 Telcom Fiber to the Home project.
Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.
Present: Chairman Anderson, Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Steve Nielsen, Clerk-Treasurer Val Windsor, townspeople Glen Lehrke and 24-7 Telcom representative Jim Kusilek
Jim has spoken to several other townships and quite a few have committed their ARPA funds to get better broadband service in this area. Jim asked, if we are in favor of this, if we would support the unserved areas (25 upload, 3 download) by signing a letter stating the speeds from competitor are not up to this as this is to help with the approval of the board of 24-7.
They would like to build a drop at every location, whether they want the drop or not. Originally it was only going to be with the ones who wanted to pay for the service. Fiber will be run directly to the home.
24-7 has been doing this Fiber to Home since 2008. Lowest speed they will offer is 100 upload, 100 download. Will go up to 1 gig. Customer can choose which plan they want. One fiber dedicated to every home.
They are looking at 2-3 years to get the project completed. If we choose to sign, then the 24-7 Telcom board needs to approve, then they submit all to get the grant needed to proceed. If we are not approved we would have no financial liability to them.
Base price for 100/100 with voice line is $88.90/month. Prices go up from there. They have the prices listed on their website.
The only cost to the township is what we are granted from the ARPA funds, which is $86,560.90
Motion was made for the Town of Stanton to enter into the agreement with 24-7 Telcom to sign the Fiber to Home contract with our portion being $86,560.90 (provided by the ARPA funds) with 50% due at the start of construction and the other 50% due the end of the project made by B. Anderson, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by B. Anderson, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm