December meeting minutes

Board meeting minutes of December 21, 2020

Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.

Present:  Chairman Anderson, Supervisor Karl Hackbarth, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Clerk-Treasurer Val Windsor and townsperson Candy Anderson

Motion to approve October and November minutes as mailed was made by B. Anderson, 2nd by K. Hackbarth.  Approved

Treasurer’s Report:      Balance on hand, November 1, 2020                $7,445.54

November Receipts                                            $61,246.73

Less November Disbursements                         $16,679.80

Book balance as of November 30, 2020          $52,012.47

Motion to approve treasurers report as mailed was made by B. Anderson, 2nd by K. Hackbarth.  Approved.

Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by B. Anderson.

Maintenance Report:  Question about zoning permits.  Val gets an email notification when someone applies.  Also questions on a resident property, what permits he has acquired and what he is actually doing there.  Candy Anderson will call Bob Colson and see what he knows about it all.

Kevin questioned his vacation time and asked about getting another week.  He has worked a total of 35 years for the township.  Board has approved this request. Kevin will be getting 5 weeks starting Jan. 1st


Chairman Report:  Bob has been quite sick throughout this year.  In an effort to try and regain his health, he will not be running for Chairman in April.  We will have a caucus on January 18, 2021 to nominate someone for this.

Fire/Ambulance:  Had a meeting this past Wednesday.  The fire district bought a lawn mower.  They will also be purchasing new helmets and gloves.

Ambulance District sold Andy the Ambulance to Marshfield.  Their Ford Explorer was also sold at an auction.

Supervisors Reports: None

Clerk-Treasurer Report:  New election machine will be approximately $7000.  We signed the contact and will be getting the machines for 2021 elections.

Committee Reports:  See Chairman report above.

New Business:  Steve Dougherty and Candy Anderson here from Milestone Materials to discuss possible upcoming road work and the use of the Downing Quarry. DOT is still in the process of approving who will be awarded the bid for the work. Road they will be working on is portions of 170.  Several townships will be involved.  They would need to have this completed by October 15, 2021.  This will be a Monarch Project.  Milling the entire job.  Steve and Candy will be submitting paperwork should they get the job.

County will be redoing a bridge on Hwy. Q this next year.  They are putting plans and documents on their county website.

Motion to adjourn meeting was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by B. Anderson.  Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm