Board Meeting minutes of August 18, 2019
Supervisor Nielsen called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI.
Present: Supervisors Karl Hackbarth and Steve Nielsen, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Clerk-Treasurer Val Windsor, Dunn County Sherriff Deputy Jason Stalker, townspeople Ken and Sherry Windsor. Chairman Bob Anderson is away to South Dakota for family issues.
Motion to approve July minutes as mailed was made by K. Hackbarth, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand, July 1, 2019 $33,411.85
July Receipts $36,712.63
Less July Disbursements $19,248.04
Book Balance as of July 31, 2019 $50,876.44
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as mailed was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Motion to approve vouchers and checks was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Maintenance Report: Blacktop is completed on roads. Bill came in a little less than what was bid.
Heather Berg was here wondering if she can bring a trailer for aluminum cans for people to bring as a fundraiser for her childrens activities. Questions were raised on various things. We need to ask Advanced Disposal just to make sure it wouldn’t affect the contract. Also the possibilities of someone stealing the trailer or cans, who would be liable. We will table this issue until more info can be found.
Kevin talked to Davis about the ditch issue on 810th. They will look into this more.
Chairman Report: None
Supervisor Reports: Drove over new roads, they are quite smooth. Resident asked about when white lines will be painted.
Karl went to the quarterly towns association meeting. They talked quite a bit about new budget and emergency contingency plans. Also had presentations on ATV/UTV signage on trails. If county and townships dont make the necessary changes they are threatening to close trails by October 1st. We as a township would need to go through the Sheriff and DNR to get correct signage stating that all roads are open year round. Currently the county doesn’t have any specific ordinance on this.
Clerk-Treasurer Report: None
Committee Reports—
Plan Commission: None
Fire/Ambulance: Bob and Karl went to meeting. Town of Tiffany paid off their portion of the new fire truck, so the debt modification will be restructured.
New Business: Dunn County Sheriffs Deputy here to discuss illegal activity within township.
Incident on June 27, 2019 concerning residents on “O”. St. Croix County sherrifs were notified that something was going on. Menomonie got involved. Tyler Schutts was picked up by another resident as he was walking towards Knapp. Tyler has been charged with stealing a truck, skidsteer, and enclosed trailer. He found out he was a suspect during the ride from the citizen and tried to steal his truck as well. The citizen held him at gunpoint until the authorities got there to apprehend him. There were also some drugs found at the scene. Police are in the process of investigating. Tyler is not from this area. Any information is helpful, anyone who sees suspicious activity should try to get license plate numbers and call it in. Drug use/crime is definitely on a rise within the county.
Roll off is set for September 28th.
Public Comment: None
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by K. Hackbarth. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm