March 17, 2019 Special town meeting

Speical town meeting for residents concerning the costs of the new fire building in Boyceville. We are responsible for 21% of the costs incurred for this building. Present: Chairman Rich Monn, Supervisors Bob Anderson and Steve Nielsen, Maintenance Kevin Finder and Clerk-Treasurer Valerie Windsor, townspeople Nick Schaff, Assessor Randy Prochnow, and a couple fire district employees Chairman Monn called the meeting to order at 6pm. Randy Prochnow is here to answer any questions about what this will cost residents in taxes per year. Building will cost $1.65 million. Question was asked about how much this is going to be per $1,000 on taxes. Randy said it would be approximately $56.00 per $100,000, over the next 20 years. Or, $91.00 per $100,000, over the next 10 years. Let the minutes also reflect that the numbers given are a little higher that what was originally given by the fire district. Motion was made to adjourn special meeting was made by R. Monn, 2nd by B. Anderson. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm