Chairman Monn called the meeting to order at 6:45pm at the Stanton Town Shop, Knapp, WI. Present: Chairman Monn, Supervisors Bob Anderson and Steve Nielsen, Maintenance Kevin Finder, Clerk-Treasurer Val Windsor and townsperson Karl Hackbarth. Motion to approve February minutes as mailed was made by R. Monn, 2nd by B. Anderson. Approved. Treasurer’s Report:
Balance on hand, February 1, 2019 $88,532.41
February Receipts $441,658.24
Less February Disbursements $458,483.83
Book Balance as of February 28, 2019 $140,325.55
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as mailed was made by R. Monn, 2nd by S. Nielsen. Approved Motion to approve Vouchers and Checks was made by R. Monn, 2nd by B. Anderson. Approved. Maintenance Report: Several Roads under water within the township. Roads bans for the county will begin on Thursday, we will begin our road bans effective tomorrow. Need to get in some salt under the railroad passes, as the ice is very thick Kevin is close to hitting top of the truck, he will try to get some through the county. Because of the snow, Kevin could not attend the Miners Safety meeting. He will try to do the meeting online, if he cannot he will have to attend one of the other cities meetings. We are having trouble with some residents piling their snow onto the road from their driveways. Kevin talked with someone to remind them it is illegal to do this and they would be totally responsible for any damage or accidents because of it. We will be sending out a letter for next winter so people are reminded not to do this. Chairman Report: None Supervisors Report: Val will be calling JP Website to ask them about setting up a website. It will cost us $1499 set up fee and $50.00/month. Motion was made to have Val check into this and see what the costs are and what they will be doing, if Val is comfortable with all this she can go ahead with it. Clerk-Treasurer Report: Val will call Wipfi and get some clarification on why they gave us Boyceville’s long term debt. Committee Reports: Plan Commission –none Fire/Ambualnce: Meeting went well. We are responsible for 21% of the costs of the new building. Shefchik Builders was the low bidder with a generator. They will have a meeting on April 3rd to give the go ahead to the builder. Total agreement of the board was made to go with Shefchik Builders with the generator on a 20 year term loan. Bid of the$ 1.65 million includes approximately 5% contingency fund + 5 ½ % sales tax. There is no prepayment penalty. Motion was made to go with Shefchik builders with generator and copper wire by R. Monn, 2nd by B. Anderson. Approved. There will be a special meeting for the Boyceville fire district on Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:30pm. Public Comment: Question was asked; once this fire building is approved, when do we get the loan and insurance? We will get with our banker right away to get this under way and insurance will not be our responsibility until the building is completed as all the contractors should have their own insurance coverage. Motion to adjourn meeting was made by S. Nielsen, 2nd by B. Anderson. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm